ELK PRODUCTS 100: High-Performance Siren Driver Module

$ 33.65

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High-Performance Siren Driver Module

The ELK-100 High Performance Siren Driver is the ideal solution for both residential and commercial security systems. It operates with a lower current draw compared to most siren drivers, providing two distinct volume levels at once (e.g., one for indoor and one for outdoor use). The exclusive MilliMiser™ technology further reduces current draw, making it perfect for controls with limited alarm or auxiliary output power. Featuring two inputs – Yelp and Steady – the Steady sound takes precedence over the Yelp. Additionally, the ComboTrigger™ function allows the Yelp input to work seamlessly with security systems that have a single pulsing alarm output, generating a unique third sound pattern when pulsed for fire or burglary alerts.

Key Features:

  • Simultaneous Two Volume Levels (Indoor and Outdoor)
  • Lower Current Draw Compared to Most Sirens
  • MilliMiser™ Technology for Further Current Reduction
  • Cost-Effective, Drives Multiple Speakers
  • ComboTrigger™ for Single Output Systems
  • Pre-Wired for Quick and Easy Installation
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty