PDK-RGPB Red Single-Gang Reader High Security + Prox + Mobile

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Red Single-Gang Reader High Security + Prox + Mobile

Multi-Technology, High-Security (13.56 MHz), Prox (125 KHz), Mobile (BLE), OSDP, Weigand, Single-Gang Reader 

High-Security Readers

ProdataKey's Red™ Readers certainly seem to offer a comprehensive set of features that set them apart in the market. Their OSDP secure connectivity ensures robust and encrypted communication, enhancing security. The inclusion of both high (13.56MHz) and low-frequency (125 kHz) communication capabilities makes them versatile, compatible with a wide range of access control systems. Additionally, the availability of mobile-ready options adds modern convenience and flexibility to access control solutions. Overall, the Red Readers appear to be a top choice for both everyday installations and highly secure implementations, catering to various application needs effectively.

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